
Industrial automation is the use of control systems, such as computers or robots, and information technologies for handling different processes and machineries in an industry to replace a human being. Waa talaabada labaad ee ka baxsan jiritaanka ee baaxadda warshadeynta warshadeynta.

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Naga ku saabsan

The efforts of all the employees in the company and the support of the customers and the same profession, Our business rapidly expand throughout China and around the world, quickly became the industrial automation rising star, here, thanks to the customers long-term support, Waxaan diiradda saari doonnaa inbadan oo feejignaan leh.

Laga soo bilaabo arinta 1921, Mitsubishi korantada ayaa safka hore kaga jirtay xariifnimada farsamada ee Japan iyo wax-abuurka wax soo saarka. From it's first hit product-an electric fan for consumer use-Mitsubishi Electric has continued to create a long list of "firsts"and groundbreaking new technologies that have shaped its business fields all around the world.

Yaskawa Electric has always provided support to the leading business across the ages by transforming as “a MOTOR manufacturer”, “an AUTOMATION company” to “a MECHATRONICS company” based on its management philosophy of contributing to the development of society and the welfare of humankind iyada oo loo marayo waxqabadka ganacsigiisa tan iyo markii la aasaasay 1915.


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Waxaan bixinaa tamar iyo abtirsiin digital xalka dhijitaalka ah ee hufnaanta iyo joogtaynta. We combine world-leading energy technologies, real-time automation, software and services into integrated solutions for homes, buildings, data centers, infrastructure and industries. Waxaan sameynaa geedi socod iyo tamar ama mid badbaado leh oo lagu kalsoonaan karo, hufan oo waara, oo waara, furan oo ku xidhan.

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